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The Lake Of Freedom

Just a few weeks ago I decided that it was time for me to have a fresh start, I desperately needed it as I felt that I was getting stuck in a never ending routine. I have been working in an accountancy company for the past 8 years, numbers and charts were all I had in front of my screen, every day at every time. So I started saving up for some money and undertake an adventure that would make me feel free again. I have during this amazingly refreshing experience visited several countries mainly in search of wildness.

One in particular I wish to recommend for the sense of peace that it represents, the Crystalline Turquoise Lake in the Jiuzhaigou National Park of China. There is no wonder why this national park attracts such an elevated number of tourists. The lake is composed by a stunning myriad of colors that range from turquoise to green passing by some yellow, reflecting moreover the image of surrounding mountains. It was like nothing else I had ever seen, I was starring it for hours and hours and I have a feeling that if you end up thereEnglish: jiuzhaigou valley national park sichu... you will do just the same. The sense of freedom and purity generated by it was such that it had a positive impact on my understanding of what I want to do now that I will not need to have lunch while starring at an excel sheet.

The two tips that I can give you to experience it is to good there as soon as possible, the beauty of this lake is becoming increasingly known ( thanks also to the recent efforts of the Chinese government in preserving the already damaged chinese fauna), and this is attracting more and tourists. This while not taking away the beauty of the lake might be taking away, in my personal opinion, your sense of freedom. And take some time to talk with the people in the nearby villages as they will tell you some pretty interesting myth about the lake that will keep you listen and listening.So if just like you need a good breath of fresh air and some peace to think and move on visit the Crystalline Turquoise Lake in the Jiuzhaigou National Park of China as it may just be the one best think you have ever had the chance to see in your entire life.


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