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Tips on how to find the cheapest flight

Booking a flight for your next holiday doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg; even if you have to book it last minute. So before you do choose an airline, choose a flight, and select your seat, there are some ways you can find the best deals on flights. These are some things to do prior to booking, in order to ensure you pay the lowest price for your airfare and overall holiday packages.

Consider all airlines –
Don’t only consider the top carriers; many smaller companies offer free luggage check in, upgrades, and other promotions, simply to fill their planes up. So look at all carriers. Do your research, find out what they offer, what deals they have, and which upgrade promotions are available when you are planning your flight dates.

Find a cheap flightKeep open dates –
If possible, keep an open travel window, rather than one or two days. For example, if you fly on a Monday or Tuesday it is typically less than a Saturday evening flight. When airlines try to fill seats last minute prices will drop. So make sure you keep an open date window, and more than one day which you can travel, so you can spot deals.

Off season travel –
If you have open holiday date choices, use this to your advantage. A holiday to a beach destination in the Spring will cost less than in the Summer. So choose dates wisely, know when off-peak seasons are, and try to plan your trip accordingly. You can still enjoy great weather and fun times, without the hectic tourists everywhere, if you are flexible with dates.

Compare on and offline –
It is in your best interest to contact a travel agent, as well as use online hotel and airline booking sites before you book it. By doing this, not only do you find more flight options, you also find the best deals. You can find all inclusive travel packages, you can find discount or promo deals, and you can compare more than one carrier and flight option, while finding the best possible price when you are ready to travel and book your holiday dates.

Use miles –
Use credit cards which offer miles, travel discounts, and other benefits when booking your flight and hotel. Many cards will even offer free flights once you hit a certain total, or upgrade to first class. So know which travel cards offer the best perks, provide the best discounts, and offer you the best in flight accommodations, when you are getting ready to book your flight and package for your next holiday vacation retreat.

You do not have to overpay, nor do you have to travel when you don’t want to travel, simply to find a good deal on hotel, air fare, and other travel packages. With these simple tips you can take advantage of the best pricing, best carriers, and book a holiday you are going to love, for a fraction of the price you would otherwise pay, when the time comes to book your travel itinerary for your next trip.


  1. Himalayan Trekking Himalayan Trekking August 30, 2017

    Its great tips for buying cheap tickets. I will follow your suggestions. Thank you !

  2. […] a search for ‘flights to Tel Aviv‘ and was happily surprised to find the flights were within my budget. My El Al flight to Tel Aviv from New York City was long but uneventful. I felt dormant emotions […]

  3. Shams Shams December 21, 2017

    Search it on a private browser to find some cheap flights.

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