In today’s world, it has become extremely necessary for people to stay on top of their game by taking care of their health and fitness. Staying fit and healthy is is one of my main goals, not only for having a long lasting life, but also to have the power and energy to enjoy it. There are various ways to keep oneself healthy and maintain your fitness goals. Individuals who want to keep themselves fit and healthy can take inspiration from those of us who travel the world and not only battle the adjustment into new societies and cultures, but also maintain our health and body while pushing 50.
It is not always an easy thing to keep up with the crazy adventurous things that I tend to do. I have been on the road (traveling) for over 20 years now. First traveling seeking opportunities, and running businesses, and now just enjoying life. Well as you my have heard before, when you hit 40 it seems like hitting a wall, and your body just does not want to do what it used to. To this day I mentally still feel like I am in my 20’s, but over the past few years I have developed a routine to keep my body feeling young as well. This includes everything from working with brain scientist to develop a machine that keeps my neurons firing like I would like them to. To a healthy low carb diet, and a regular intense fitness routine.
Keeping up with testosterone levels, keeping track of your fat levels to maintain that 6 pack, not only takes a regimen of diet, also a system of monitoring your body. A benchmark so to speak to keep you on top of your game. I still love to travel, and my body has no problem keeping up, so today I am going to share one of my tips on how to stay healthy as well as young for a long period of time. I can only reiterate, one of my best tips for staying young and healthy is to keep a regular check on the human body. Regularly getting the body checked for any kind of health issues will help you in taking precautionary measures in keeping yourself fit and healthy.
Various travel bloggers, fitness enthusiasts, dieters, athletes, etc. use various body measurement tools to keep a track on their body composition which helps them to know their total progress in maintaining their health and fitness. With today’s amazing technology you can have a DEXA scan which is a kind of x-ray scanning process for determining the distribution of fats, bones, water and other lean muscles in the human body. The body measurement is done with the help of a scanner which scans through the entire body for five to seven minutes in order to get the final results. There are various other measuring tools available in the market for measurement of the body composition, but the DEXA scan is more accurate in its measures and is reproducible too. Moreover, it takes a shorter time than some of the other measuring tools to measure the composition of the human body. It is beneficial for the careful analysis of the various tissues in the body. It is a kind of gold standard in testing of the entire body composition. It also makes use of a bone densitometry test for testing the strength of the bones, as well as measures the bone mineral density (BMD) in an accurate manner.
There are various other tips that I do not have time to touch on, for maintaining health and fitness such as dropping carbs, sugars and chemicals from your diet as well as regular intensive exercises targeting specific body parts, sufficient water intake, avoiding junk food and alcohol, etc. but all these can be done only when individuals become conscious about their own body and start taking care of it in a well — efficient manner.
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