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Starting Your Own Travel Blog

After building my own factory, and spending long hours working on a passion that drove me to work sometimes up to 20 hours per day 7 days a week, a was given a break when the world crises came around.

While the monetary benefits were clear, and I really enjoyed my work. Fate would have it that I take some time off , and start to travel again.

I have always wanted to spend more time traveling as I did when I was younger, So off into the world I went, and it was not long before I found myself in paradise and loved the joy, and freedom of meeting new people and learning new cultures.

Soon after a few years of travel it became apparent that the money was going to run out. I had been on the warrior forum and many other internet business platforms,, but it seems that all the people who were making money were only making it from teaching other people how to make money, and it appeared , although I cannot say for certain that the only income they were really making was from the training programs they sold.

Eventually I was about to give up until, I met a travel blogger who showed me how he was able to sustain his life traveling. And actually making a pretty good income at it.

man-with-motebookTravel Blogging and Sustainability:

A lot of people are online right now, almost everyone is getting updated on social networking sites like Facebook and people are relying on the online news to provide them information.

There are people who are always on the look-out for new spots to visit and explore.

Travel blogging is sustainable; you can become a travel blog writer and photographer and be able to sustain your life.


Not a lot of people are brave enough to leave everything behind, and just travel. People, who have the guts to do this, are usually appreciated by their community and are highly supported especially if their written work and blogs inspire people to pack their bags and travel to different parts of the world.

First step to becoming a blogger:

  1. Start a habit of observing and taking mental notes of daily events in the community where you are in. Being a travel blogger does not mean you have to immediately go outside the country. You need explore your local community first.
  2. Attend community events; meet as many people as you can, in the travel industry. Couchsurfing is a great place to meet up with a great group of down to earth travelers. Start collecting your new found friends on Social media, and find some great places that interest you,, Some of the best research for a new place to journey on to is from your friends. Also they will make for a great audience to your blog and help catapult you into fame.
  3. A travel blog writer needs to be a story teller. Before I became a  travel blogger I made sure that I knew how to tell a good story. You cannot just take photos, and write about the prices of the food menu or the place. You need to be able to state what makes the place unique and why you genuinely like the area, and be able to encourage other to do the same.
  4. The next step is to invest the time or money in web design. I recommend WordPress as it is the easiest way to build a website, weather you are a newbie or a professional.
  5. After accumulating at least 20-30 articles you can already start to see and feel a nice blog coming together.
  6. The site should be informative, easy on the eyes and should contain interesting photos. It should also be updates at least three times per month in order to keep the momentum of the audience going.
  7. And be sure to keep on your social following, with Tweets, Facebook updates, even Linkedin, as well as many other great platforms out there.

It may take a few months for your travel blog to be established. In order to be really effective at it, good articles have to be included in the website to sustain audience following.

I would also recommend to set up your blog on wordpress, and to use your own hosting provider, and Domain as opposed to something like blogger or And the amazing thing is that it does not have to cost you a fortune, I pay around $7 per year for my main hosting provider, Click on this link Here, to find this great host, go to the bottom of the page and click on the link to their Twitter page, there you will find several great coupon deals.

The main advantage with this host is they use high speed servers, and have them spread out around the world, so if you are running multiple blogs then you have them hosted on different servers which helps when you find a great client that pays well, then you are able to offer them postings from different server blocks.

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