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Why Not Travel For A Living? Tep can help on the connectivity!

Many people dream of traveling for a living. I am constantly receiving comments such as. “I wish I could do what you do”, “If I had money, I would travel too”, or the best one is “I will start traveling, when my ship comes in.”   Well, let me tell you a little secret. For most people in the western world your ship has come in many years before you were born.

The one thing that keeps you from traveling all of your life is simply the decision to do so. I have met many western nomads on my journeys that have very little with them except for their wits. They travel all over the world, hitchhiking, couch surfing, doing odds and ends jobs to keep food in their mouth, and they are very happy traveling this way.

Time goes by    Yes, I know what you’re saying “That sounds miserable, no security, what if something happens, and I won’t have any money to survive.” Well, let me tell you a little secret. ‘You will always have that which your brain, or core being sets as a threshold.’  Let me explain myself a bit for the unenlightened who have not learned this simple core principle of life.

For most people in the western world, they could never imagine living without a refrigerator, and even if they are totally broke, or consider themselves ‘totally broke’, and their wash refrigerator breaks down. They will find a solution. Because their brain has set a threshold on what is required to live. In this case a refrigerator. Your ‘personal power’ as Tony Robins calls it, will kick in and you will find a way to get that refrigerator fixed or replaced. This works the same in all aspects of your life. If you could never perceive yourself as a starving bum on the streets then you will not become one until the point that brain has excepted that type of lifestyle.notebook

Ok, enough with philosophy, I enjoy traveling, and enjoy being comfortable while I do it. The easiest way that I know to achieve that is having money by working on the internet. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

There are literally thousands of ways to make a great living on the internet. Blogging, eCommerce, SEO, taking photographs, and setting up your own training programs, just to name a few. You can start small while you are in the comfort of your own home, and once you have the seed started, pack your bags and grab a flight.

TEP pouch set TEP  Once you get to your first dream destination, you will learn quickly that many places do not have reliable internet. The first thing that I always ask when I step into the lobby of the guesthouse or hotel is “Do you have reliable internet.”  Now, here is the point where you need to learn how to read people, as many people will tell you ‘Yes’ and you can tell from the expression on their face that they do not really believe what they are telling you.

I have been in countless locations, where I need to catch up on a few things as I have been on the road traveling all day, only to get into that hotel room, and to be disappointed that the internet does not work. So I am already wore out from driving a motorbike all day long in 90 degree heat, my body feels like a rag that has been used in a car-wash for a month, and is beyond it’s freshness date. Now I need to grab the laptop, take a quick shower to give myself an extra boost and go find a coffee shop to catch up on my days duties.

If you are smart you will find a VA to help with most of your duties, but you will still need to be catching up daily and in most cases several times per day.

Well there is a solution, A brilliant little tool called “TEP” it is as they say. ‘The ultimate travel companion’. TEP is  ‘Internet in your pocket’ it’s a little handheld device that works as a wireless hotspot. It has a good long battery life, and works up to a 15 meter radius. So you and your girlfriend can be sitting by that waterfall in the jungle while you are working. Yep, your girlfriend can use it too, TEP can connect up to 5 devices at the same time, and is powered by leading operators worldwide.Waterfall Vietnam

The way I see it, traveling can be a pleasurable hobby, or you can simply travel for a living. It’s not always fun and games, but I would not trade it for anything else in the world. I could not imagine settling down now. Life is simply too short to be tied to an office, and with the right knowledge and tools you can live the life of your dreams.

Tep’s core business is rendered via the Tep device; a handheld 3G modem which works just like any other WiFi hotspot – but the device is portable and the connection is private and secure. These devices are rented to travelers for the duration of their trip; they can be ordered via Tep’s website or through one of Tep’s affiliates, which include Visit Britain. The devices are delivered to customers before their trip, or picked up at airport and city branches. At the end of the traveler’s trip, the device is returned by post or dropped off at said branches.

The service is supported by a distribution infrastructure allowing 24-hour delivery to most parts of the world. In addition, a customer support team is available 24/7.





One Comment

  1. chiller chiller April 18, 2019

    Can anyone tell me some information about transportation? I’m interested in the culture of Russia, I want to go in Russia, but do you know what it is better to travel there? Trains? Can I buy tickets here ?

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